Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

As a member of the A29 Network, one of ECC’s core commitments is to plant church-planting churches. We are committed to not merely sending financial resources to new church plants but also helping equip them through resourcing and leadership development.

When we were first introduced to Pastor Jimmy Okello and University Community Church in 2017, we had no idea Jimmy had been trying for several years to become part of Acts 29. But it didn’t take long to see that he was in a unique position as one of very few biblically sound pastors in Gulu. Pastor Jimmy was clearly a man desiring to faithfully disciple the nations through the students of Gulu University in the word of God and the gospel. He desired fellowship with other biblically solid and like-minded pastors and churches.

East Africa is a subdivision of Acts 29 Africa. Through Eternal City's efforts in connection with University Community Church, we are identifying, equipping, and training new cohorts of pastors and ministry leaders. Gulu is a rising city in northern Uganda — many young people are attending Gulu University and coming to Gulu as refugees from Sudan. Pastor Jimmy's physical proximity and relationship with Gulu University allow him to reach many souls, disciple them with deep, rich, gospel truth, and then send them back into the world as light in the darkness.

Our church family has partnered with Pastor Jimmy and the U.C.C. family for Acts 29 assessments, Shepherd the Flock Conferences, coaching, training, theological resourcing, and support. We're blessed to be co-laborers in God's work in East Africa.

Encourage Pastor Jimmy and U.C.C.

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